Transfer Learning
Often our datasets are extremely small and/or we do not have the compute to train a large model from scratch.
You should utilize transfer learning when you do not have the necessary data or computational power at your disposal to train large models from scratch
Transfer learning allows you to take already existing pretrained models and to adjust them to your needs. The requirements towards computational resources and availability of data sinks dramatically once you start to you utilize transfer learning.
There are generally two ways to utilize transfer learing: feature extraction and fine-tuning.
When we use the pretrained model as a feature extractor, we load the model, freeze all weights and replace the last couple of layers with the layers that suit our task. As this procedure only requires to train a few layers, it tends to be relatively fast.
When we use fine-tuning, we load the weights, replace the last couple of layers, but fune-tune all available weights during the training process. There is a potential chance to get better results with fine-tuning, but this procedure obviously requires more compute.
The resoning behind the success of transfer learning is as follows. We have mentioned before that the convolutional layers are supposed to learn the features of the dataset. It can be argued that if the network has learned to recognize edges, colors and higher level features, that those features are also useful for other tasks. If the model has learned to classify cats and dogs, it should be a relative minor undertaking to adjust the model to recognize other animals. On the other hand it is going to be harder to fine-tune the same model on a car dataset. The closer the original datset is to your data, the more sense it makes to use the pretrained model.
For our presentation we have chosen the Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset. The daset consists of roughly 7400 samples of cats and dogs. There are 37 categories of cat and dog breeds in the dataset with roughly 200 per category. As we will divide the dataset into the training and the validation dataset, there will be roughly 100 samples per category for training. All things considered, this is a relatively small dataset. We have chosen this dataset, because the original ImageNet contains cats and dogs and we expect transfer learning to work quite well.
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import torch
from torch import nn, optim
from import DataLoader, Subset
from torchvision import transforms as T
from torchvision.datasets import OxfordIIITPet
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
dataset = OxfordIIITPet(root='../datasets',
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
columns = 4
rows = 5
for i in range(1, columns*rows +1):
img, cls = dataset[i*50]
fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i)
plt.title(f'Category {cls}')
plt.savefig('pets', bbox_inches='tight')
We will be using the ResNet34 architecture for transfer learning. We can get
a lot of pretrained computer vision models, including ResNet, from the torchvision
from torchvision.models import resnet34, ResNet34_Weights
When we use transfer learning it is important to utilize the same preprocessing steps that were used for the training of the original model.
weights = ResNet34_Weights.DEFAULT
preprocess = weights.transforms()
train_dataset = OxfordIIITPet(root='../datasets',
val_dataset = OxfordIIITPet(root='../datasets',
train_dataloader = DataLoader(
val_dataloader = DataLoader(
def track_performance(dataloader, model, criterion):
# switch to evaluation mode
num_samples = 0
num_correct = 0
loss_sum = 0
# no need to calculate gradients
with torch.inference_mode():
for _, (features, labels) in enumerate(dataloader):
with torch.autocast(device_type="cuda", dtype=torch.float16):
features =
labels =
logits = model(features)
predictions = logits.max(dim=1)[1]
num_correct += (predictions == labels).sum().item()
loss = criterion(logits, labels)
loss_sum += loss.cpu().item()
num_samples += len(features)
# we return the average loss and the accuracy
return loss_sum / num_samples, num_correct / num_samples
def train(
scaler = torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler()
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
start_time = time.time()
for _, (features, labels) in enumerate(train_dataloader):
features =
labels =
# Empty the gradients
with torch.autocast(device_type="cuda", dtype=torch.float16):
# Forward Pass
logits = model(features)
# Calculate Loss
loss = criterion(logits, labels)
# Backward Pass
# Gradient Descent
val_loss, val_acc = track_performance(val_dataloader, model, criterion)
end_time = time.time()
s = (
f"Epoch: {epoch+1:>2}/{num_epochs} | "
f"Epoch Duration: {end_time - start_time:.3f} sec | "
f"Val Loss: {val_loss:.5f} | "
f"Val Acc: {val_acc:.3f} |"
if scheduler:
We create the ResNet34 model and download the weights that were pretrained on the ImageNet dataset.
model = resnet34(weights=ResNet34_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1)
We will utilize the model as a feature extractor, therefore we freeze all layer weights.
for param in model.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
We replace the very last layer with a linear layer with 37 outputs. This is the only layer that is going to be trained.
model.fc = nn.Linear(in_features=512, out_features=37)
optimizer = optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=0.001)
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(
optimizer, factor=0.1, patience=2, verbose=True
criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="sum")
Epoch: 1/30 | Epoch Duration: 11.154 sec | Val Loss: 1.81516 | Val Acc: 0.677 |
Epoch: 2/30 | Epoch Duration: 11.453 sec | Val Loss: 0.90655 | Val Acc: 0.854 |
Epoch: 3/30 | Epoch Duration: 11.348 sec | Val Loss: 0.63867 | Val Acc: 0.870 |
Epoch: 4/30 | Epoch Duration: 11.845 sec | Val Loss: 0.52753 | Val Acc: 0.883 |
Epoch: 5/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.005 sec | Val Loss: 0.46197 | Val Acc: 0.892 |
Epoch: 6/30 | Epoch Duration: 11.932 sec | Val Loss: 0.42866 | Val Acc: 0.894 |
Epoch: 7/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.047 sec | Val Loss: 0.40674 | Val Acc: 0.896 |
Epoch: 8/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.032 sec | Val Loss: 0.38285 | Val Acc: 0.899 |
Epoch: 9/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.055 sec | Val Loss: 0.37018 | Val Acc: 0.900 |
Epoch: 10/30 | Epoch Duration: 11.667 sec | Val Loss: 0.35984 | Val Acc: 0.901 |
Epoch: 11/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.243 sec | Val Loss: 0.34247 | Val Acc: 0.902 |
Epoch: 12/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.104 sec | Val Loss: 0.34527 | Val Acc: 0.900 |
Epoch: 13/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.275 sec | Val Loss: 0.34026 | Val Acc: 0.901 |
Epoch: 14/30 | Epoch Duration: 11.949 sec | Val Loss: 0.33695 | Val Acc: 0.896 |
Epoch: 15/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.117 sec | Val Loss: 0.32628 | Val Acc: 0.904 |
Epoch: 16/30 | Epoch Duration: 11.852 sec | Val Loss: 0.32397 | Val Acc: 0.901 |
Epoch: 17/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.116 sec | Val Loss: 0.32091 | Val Acc: 0.904 |
Epoch: 18/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.015 sec | Val Loss: 0.32093 | Val Acc: 0.904 |
Epoch: 19/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.026 sec | Val Loss: 0.31584 | Val Acc: 0.904 |
Epoch: 20/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.420 sec | Val Loss: 0.31596 | Val Acc: 0.905 |
Epoch: 21/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.367 sec | Val Loss: 0.32160 | Val Acc: 0.900 |
Epoch: 22/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.472 sec | Val Loss: 0.31340 | Val Acc: 0.904 |
Epoch: 23/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.134 sec | Val Loss: 0.31088 | Val Acc: 0.903 |
Epoch: 24/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.194 sec | Val Loss: 0.31267 | Val Acc: 0.903 |
Epoch: 25/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.317 sec | Val Loss: 0.31323 | Val Acc: 0.901 |
Epoch: 26/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.017 sec | Val Loss: 0.31473 | Val Acc: 0.900 |
Epoch 00026: reducing learning rate of group 0 to 1.0000e-04.
Epoch: 27/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.051 sec | Val Loss: 0.31021 | Val Acc: 0.905 |
Epoch: 28/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.122 sec | Val Loss: 0.30899 | Val Acc: 0.904 |
Epoch: 29/30 | Epoch Duration: 11.754 sec | Val Loss: 0.30938 | Val Acc: 0.904 |
Epoch: 30/30 | Epoch Duration: 12.284 sec | Val Loss: 0.30751 | Val Acc: 0.906 |
Out of the box we get an accuracy of over 90%. Think about how amazing those results are. We had 37 different categories, limited data and limited computational resources and we have essentially trained a linear classifier based on the features from the ResNet model. Still we get an accuracy of over 90%. This is the power of transfer learning.